Page 107 - Collection
P. 107

8.2 ... every four years a World Scout Jamboree - the highlight of the World Scouting Calendar


                              Promotional meter slogan used by De Nederlandsche Padvinders - Nationaal Hoofdkwartier
                                    (The Scout Association ofthe Netherlands - National Headquarters) in The Hague.

                              A camp like the World Jamborees requires several years of planning.
                              ln addition to the on-site preparations, one also needs to promote
                              participation for leaders and Scouts, both from inland and abroad.

             lmperforate colour proofs.

                                          TIMBRES EMIS AL'OCCASION DU JAMBOREE
                                       MONDIAL A VOGELENZANG (PAYS-BAS)

                                                                                            FEUILLE XIV


Several plates were usedfor printing  Souvenir fo lders, containing 16 cards with Dutch stamps of the I 930's, were
ofthe World Scout Jamboree stamps.    presented to members of the U. P.U. congress in Buenos Aires, 1939. Card #14 shows
                                      the World Scout Jamboree stamps of 193 7. There were 133 delegates to the congress.
     Etching (plate) number 563.

27, 100 participants joined in at the 1937 World Scout Jamboree in Vogelenzang, the
Netherlands. This was the last World Jamboree that Baden-Powell visited, at an age of 80.
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