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8.3 ... World Rover Moots - older Scouts find ways of providing service

                 Underpaid (postage due) poslcard/ rom Manchester, England to the Rover Moot at Kandersleg. Sw it=erland 193 1.

                      A Rover Moot is a gathering of Rovers, the e lder secti on of the Scout Movement.
                        The Rover Scouts' Motto, "Service", takes a central pl ace at th e Rover Moots.

                          Regislered air mail cover 10 Paste Res/ante Sofia. Bulgaria. Nol claimed, and returned lo Slockh olm.

                 The locations for World Rover Moots are alternating between the countries.
                 Swi tzerl and has, however, hosted the World Rover Moot at Kandersteg in 193 1, 1953 ,
                 and fin all y in 1992. World Rover Moots took pl ace in Sweden in 1935 and aga in in 1996.
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