Page 108 - Collection
P. 108

8.2 ... every four years a World Scout Jamboree - the highlight of the World Scouting Calendar

        1937 World Scolll Jamboree postage stamp on air crash cover. K.l.M. 's DC 2 " Flamingo" caught fire and crashed shortly after
        take-offfrom Brussels on 28 July, 1937. The 15 people on board were killed in the accident. 5 kg mail/or France was recovered.
        and this badly charred letter from Breda, the Netherlands to Pontoise, France was fonvarded in an ambulance envelope.

From Baden-Powe ll 's farewell speach at the 1937 World Scout Jamboree: "We have come to the end of our
Jamboree. During these few short days I am very glad th at a ll of you Sco uts gathered from all parts of th e world have
been mak ing the most of your opportunities to make friends. After all - that was the main object of the Jamboree .. ."

      Ship wreck mail - postcard sent fi'om the 1937 World Scout Jamboree. The D111ch motor vessel "Kota Agoeng" on her way fi'om
       Holland to the Dutch East Indies caught fire en route. She managed to continue to Colombo where the fire was extinguished. About
       400 bags ofmail originating from Austria, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland were partially burnt or damaged by the water
       used to extinguish the fire . Most of the mail involved was fonvarded on receipt in the Netherlands lndiesbearing an excuse label.
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