Page 106 - Collection
P. 106

8.2 ... every four years a World Scout Jamboree - the highlight of the World Scouting Calendar



               ..___....,___8_'1_7__,.. '" kiadba.

Registered card from the Jamboree I 2 Aug 1933 (postmark with code letter "}") to Budapest. By Scour Air Mail fi-om the Jamboree to
Matyasfold airfield near Budapest as shown by brown outgoing (Godo/lo-Budapest) Scour air mail cachet. Matchi11g registratio11 label No. 877.

                                         Ar least/our sets ofregistration labels with numbers I to 1000 were used.
                                           011 this am/ th e previous page are four matching registratio11 /abe/s # 877.
  The Leaping Stag is the ' miraculous deer' of Hungarian legend, having led the Huns and the Magyars to their land.

                 Ri Godlillo
                                                                                        IV. .Jamboree

Registered card from the Jamboree 14 Aug 1933 (postmark with code letter "k ") to Vienna, Austria. By Scout Air A1ail from the Jamboree to
Matyas/Old airfield near Budapest as shown by brown outgoing (Godo/lo-Budapest) Scout air mail cachet. Matchi11g registratio11 /abe/ No. 877.

  The Leaping Stag of the Jamboree was to lure 26,000 Scouts from 48 countri es to the fri endly Jamboree camp.
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