Page 104 - Collection
P. 104

8.1 International Camps promote understanding of the larger world, leading up to ...

Proof on thin paper, de-  Blue postmark colour, code letter ยทยท;1 ". Blue colour was used only on 30 July. Franked with complete I. Par: Ting
validated by horizontal    set, total 38/ The domestic registered postcard rate was 60/ thus 22/underji-anked and 44/posrage due paid
pe1foralions through the

The true international aspect of the Girl Gu ide movement was demon strated at th e first Pax Ting
(which translates to Peace Parliament) in Hungary, 1939. In a world close to outbreak of war, but
in spired by hope and confidence, 4,000 girl s of32 nationaliti es assemb led at Godollo near Budapest.

                          ,,I. Pax-Ting Godollo"  Zaicz Erno urna.k
                                                    God o1 1 o .

                       Black postmark colour, code lei/er "A " on local registered card (2/ overji-ankedfor the 26/rate).
            The postmark can be found in black and blue colours. with code le1ters ..A " through ..F .., and without code letter.

The Pax Ting was a trial to start the G irl Guides ' parallel to the boys' World Scout Jamborees. This was the
only Pax Ting ever to be organised, but later on many other international Girl Guide camps have taken place.
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