Page 100 - Collection
P. 100

7.2 ..• in difficult times Scouts have delivered the mail often at danger to themselves, while .. .



                      (25 mots au maximum, nouvelles de car

                 (not over 25 w;,rds, famlly news rt strictly personal character) - (nicht

                    Uber 25 Worte, perslJnliche Familiennachrickten).

           ................ 4 ..i.~. .V.E........N .q..E...,g,...S....B......&.E;...N...l~..N........H... P....b.~.~N.11

                            Dutch Red Cross form for enquiring and sending messages to family members. Sent f rom
                           Oirschot to Rotterdam. Green scout cachet applied in Rotterdam, carried by Rotterdam Scouts.

     Scout troops offered their services to the authoriti es when the Netherl ands were li berated from the
     German occupation towards the end of World War II. The greater part of these services was mail carrying.

                 Postcard from Ste. Foy de Pepolieres,

              South France, to Antwerp, Belgium, Belgian Scouts participated in the mail transport between
              transported by Belgian Boy Scouts. Belgium and Southern France from May to August 1940.
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