Page 98 - Collection
P. 98

7.2 ..• in difficult times Scouts have delivered the mail often at danger to themselves


                                                 NOTA : No citar lugar, regi6n ni puebto.

                                        CORRESPONDENCIA DEL SOLDADO

                                                                           CHACO PARAGUAYO

Paraguay Chaco War cover carried by Boy Scouts: Stampless milita1y "flag" envelope sent jiw11 a member oj
the First army Corps (1. CE.) to Asuncion. On the reverse "ASOCIACION DE BOY SCOUTS DEL PARAG UA Y"
cachet in violet. 7/Je contents is dated "28110133" Five Chaco War covers carried by Boy Scouts are recortletl.

 The Chaco War ( 1932-35) was fought between Bolivia and Paraguay over control of the
 northern part of the Gran Chaco region. It was the bloodiest military conflict fought in the
 Americas during the 20th century. Boy Scouts participated as couriers (delivering letters
 and parcels) to the personne l in the theatre of operations, thanks to their organization and
 discipline. For services to the nation of Paraguay, the National Government awarded to
 the current Scout Association of Paraguay the " Medal of Recognition Paraguay".

SEROU                                                                                                            -~

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