Page 93 - Collection
P. 93

7.2 . .. in difficult times Scouts have delivered the mail often at danger to themselves


              Postal card preparedfor the Scout mail delivery service in Prague, 1918. I ,OOO cards were printed.

The Scout mai l delivery service was operating in Prague only. Incoming mail was handled, together
with local mail. 66 Boy Scouts were all ocated to the service for the National Committee, as well as
three Girl Guides. In addition to the mail service, the Scouts al so worked in the committee offi ces.

         "" ,POSTA "'

          .VE SlU.ZBAC.H             Forgery I. "D" below left of"S".        Forgery 2. Incorrect perforations.
        NAROONI VLAOV.                    Nick in lion's right knee.         Significant differences in the lion.

Genuine. "D" directly below "S".
Missing nick in lion's right knee.

Genuine. Nick in lion's right knee.  Forgery I. Missing nick in right knee.  Forgery 2. Incorrect perforations.
  Tongue tip pointing upwards.          Tongue tip pointing downwards.       Significant differences in the lion.
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