Page 89 - Collection
P. 89

7.1 A Scout's duty is to help others: the community benefits




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                             /le-sealing strip "OPENED BY EXAMINE/I JO MALTA ", tied onji-0111 and reverse by numeral
                             handstamp "6 '·. In Malta, incoming and ou tgoing mail were censored during World War II, and
                             leuers were re-sealed by a team ofScouts who applied their individually numbered handsramps.

   During World War II , the Scouts of Malta were employed as coast-watch ers, messengers and telephon e
   operators, they manned Air Raid Precaution centres, worked in the censor' s office and in the hospital s. On
   St. George's Day in 1943 the Scouts of Malta were awarded the Bronze Cross, the hi ghest decoration for
   ga llantry of the Boy Scout Association, granted for spec ial heroism or action in the face of extraordi na ry ri sk.

                       President Masaryk of Czechoslovakia at the dec laration of Peace, Czec hoslovak
                        Red Cross, 1932. Boy scouts are guarding and holding back the crowd outside.
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