Page 84 - Collection
P. 84

6.2 ... camping is the joyous part of a Scout's life, but you must know how to do it properly


  Red proofoverprint. Specimen overprint, from the The camp must be built from the bottom, with fac ilities li ke any
                           Portuguese Colonial U.P.U.file. other community, and contribution is required from all participants.

                                                                 MA MAIA     MAMA IA

                                                                       1934        1934

                                                                  ~           ~

                                                                 Essays of the overprint were printed for
                                                                 King Carol II on special imported paper.
                                                                 200 sets were printed in sheets of 50.

                                                                             MAMA IA




Overprint shifted.  In verted overprint, 200 were printed.       Proof o foverprint.

Each Scout's effort is to the benefit of all, and this is training in publi c spirit, like the purpose of scouting.

                    Mit Flugpoat
                    Par poste aerienne

                    Con posta aerea


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