Page 96 - Collection
P. 96

7.2 ... in difficult times Scouts have delivered the mail often at danger to themselves


           POST KARTE

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A circular postmark was probably carved from a raw potato, a11d was used for tire first couple ofdays
the Scout Mail Delivery Service. It quickly worn out due to the poor material. General Government
(Germa11 occupation of Poland) postal card dated 6 August. 19./4, tire inaugural day of the Seo/I/ Post
Service. Two manuscript censors/zip annotations: on the front in red colour and on the reverse in green.

        The Warsaw Uprisin g began on I August 1944, with the objective of
        freeing Poland 's Capital from the German occupier. In the front line of
        the battle, Polish Boy Scouts and Girl Guides organised a Postal Service,
        delivering messages and letters to civi lians and to the Home Army.

           (e) Reduced image ofaddress side.

            Warsaw 194./ Scout Post feller. cancelled
            "/-IAllCERSKA POCZTA" (used 8 Aug - 2 Sept. City
           Centre South). The Boy Scout censorship marking
            "CENZURA HAllCEllSKA .. was used 8 Aug - I Sept.
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