Page 113 - Collection
P. 113

Scouting Around the World                 Polish Rover Moot Neustadt (Scwarzwald)

                                               March 1949.
      Po li sh Scouts held a Rover Moot with skiin g course fo r yo unger Boy Sco uts

                         3- 10 March 1949 near Neustadt, Sc hwa rzwa ld.
             The Po li sh Rovers and Scouts ca me from DP ca mps in Germany.
A postage stamp was issued in conn ecti on with the event, printed in sheetl ets of fou r.

The text o n the stamps reads AL PY POCZTA ZLAZOWA which tran slates to Alps Departure Mai l.
      It is understood that Rover Sco uts ca rri ed the ma il from the event to the nea rest post office.

WyJ :i wnictwo  Poli"h Scout Priess


:. okat.ji                 in ocusion

                           of Rover Moot

Sc h ยท.o.;.u~w .:tld, March 194-9

                        Special Scout postcard to Ludwi gsburg,
franked with I0 Pf German stamp a nd 20 Pf speci al stamp for the ski course.

        Postmarked "( I?a) NEUSTADT (SC HWARZWALD) 04.3.49" .
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