Page 102 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 102
Jamaica: 1860 to 1879 Postal History
Letters Between Jamaica and North America
Adhesive Period Steamship Letters
1860 Steamship Letter from Jamaica (Kingston) to USA (Maine)
At Kingston
Letter dated 17 Aug 1860
Forwarding Agents Cachet
(Cachet not recorded by Foster)
At New York
‘Steamship 10’ Postage Due
Written on board ship in Kingston Harbour
and forwarded by Hitchins & Co
per SS Baltimore to Maine USA. Hitchins
& Co had a wharf at Kingston
Rated at New York 10¢ - The West India
Steamship rate including the first 2500
miles inland charge (introduced 1851).
1860 Steamship Letter from Jamaica (Kingston) to USA (Maine)
At Kingston
Obliterator A01
K10 (D18) of 5 Dec 1863
(previous EKD Mar 1864)
Per ‘Str Saladin’
(a Blue Funnel Line Steamer)
At New York
‘Steamship 10’ Postage Due
Rated in Jamaica at 1s – official rate not documented at this time
but as a British steamer perhaps the standard UK packet rate applied of 1s applied?
Rated at New York 10¢ - The West India Steamship rate, including the first 2500 miles inland charge (introduced 1851).