Page 98 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 98

Jamaica: 1860 to 1879 Postal History

      Letters Between Jamaica and North America
                                             Pre-Adhesive Ship Letters

                             1849 Steamship Letter from Jamaica (Kingston) to USA (Bethlehem)
                 The Empire City line steamships started calling at Kingston on return trips from Chagres in July 1849.

                                                                                                   At Kingston
                                                                                              Paid, PD6 of 20 Oct 1849

                                                                                            Carried by the Empire City Line
                                                                                                steamer Crescent City

                                                                                                  At New York
                                                                                              New York / 28 Oct /Ship / 7
                                                                                                 NYB-1 ‘5’ in circle
                                                                                                    Known used
                                                                                                 Jan 1849 to Jul 1851

                                Jamaica ship letter charge of 4d prepaid.
                             Rated at New York 7c (part of the ship cancel) =
                        2¢ Ship Fee plus 5¢ – the inland rate for less than 300 miles.

                                 1849 Ship Letter from Morant Bay (Jamaica) to USA (Ohio)

           At Morant Bay
         Letter dated 6 Nov 1849
           ‘per steamer Fairy’

           At Philadelphia

                                       Rated at Philadelphia 22¢ – 2¢ Ship Fee plus double 10¢ inland rate for more than 300 miles.
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