Page 111 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 111

Jamaica Queen Victoria Laureated Head: Crown CA 1883 -97.

             The first printings of the 1d and 2d on CA paper continued in the colours of the Crown CC printings.

                            1d blue, a single printing invoiced on 11 January 1884, 684,240 stamps.
                                                Issued in late 1883 or early 1884.

                                                       Strip of 4 1d blue CA on cover to Great Britain, 1885, paying
                                                                   the 1879 – 1890 4d single UPU rate.

                            Moneague:  · A55;
                                        · 24 March 85.
                            Kingston: 24 March 85.

                            Plymouth: 11 April 85.
                            Ramble: 3 December 97.

                           2d rose, a single printing invoiced on 11 January 1884, 1,188,960 stamps.
                                                     Issued on 17 March 1884.

                                                        Block of 4 2d rose CA on cover to Great Britain,
                                                       1885, paying the 1879 – 1890 8d double UPU rate.

             25 January 85.
             13 February 85.
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