Page 124 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 124

Jamaica: The Queen Victoria Key Plates.

                                                            One Penny

            The duty plate printed the value tablet for each value in a separate printing operation, only 60 set. De
            La Rue prepared four successive duty plates for the 1d, the last of which was not used.

              Duty plate 2, die proof from the De La           Duty plate 3, die proof dated 22 January 1897.
              Rue striking book. 60 leads were struck.
              The plate was authorised on 19 January           The plate was authorised on 26 November 1896 and
                                                               invoiced on 2 March 1897.
              1894, this entry is dated 26 January
              1894 and the red ink 26 February 1894                                                 Ex Britton-Stitt,
              is probably the invoice date.                                                             and Baillie.
                              Ex De La Rue Collection
                                       and Swarbrick.

            Duty plates showed no numbers. The numbers in the margins of each sheet are of the key plates. All
            four key plates were used for the 1d in combination with the three different duty plates.

            There were 15 printings of the 1d between 1889 and 1898, totalling 32,871,360 stamps. Each printing
            shows different wear and colour shades in each of the two plates used.

                     Key plate 1, used for the            Key plate 2,                                Key plate 4,
                     first 7 printings of the 1d,         used for 2         Key plate 3, used        used for 2
                     1889 to 1891.                        printings of the   for 4 printings of       printings of
                                                          1d, 1892.          the 1d, 1893 to          the 1d, 1897
                                                                             1896.                    to 1898.
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