Page 121 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 121
Jamaica Queen Victoria Laureated Head: Crown CA 1883 -97.
1s and 2s.
The Waist Plate of the Regimental Belt, by registered letter post to Great Britain, 1896.
“Contents. Waist plate of the Regimental Belt.” Initialled Rm C-S 12.2.96 [Regimental Colour
At this date parcel post from Jamaica overseas could not be registered, so this heavy but
precious item was sent by letter post, marked with the red ink “Registered” (Lant type RC2) as
earlier recommended by the post office, unusual at this late date.
2s, 1s and 1d, total 3s 1d, paying:- postage 14 x ½ ounce UPU rates at 2½d = 2s 11d; and
· 2d registration fee.
This implies that the plate weighed 6½ to 7 ounces.
Up Park Camp: 13 October 96.
Kingston registered: 13 October 96.
The adhesives belong, their cancels match the other dates on the wrapper, but they have been
cancelled elsewhere and then affixed to the wrapper, perhaps because the packet was too lumpy
to take a clear cancel.
Ex Swarbrick, Sutcliffe.