Page 171 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 171

Jamaica: The Vendryes Provisional

                                                Third setting: plating the positions.

            The type used is the same font as in the other two settings, and there are sufficient features in the
            lettering to allow plating, but the printing is generally very clean. If this printing was by Vendryes, with
            only three positions to make up, he could use the best of the remaining type. There are no unique
            letters demonstrably reused from earlier printings to prove that this printing is by Vendryes, as was
            the case between the first and second settings and between the provisional, the OFFICIAL and the
            Cayman Islands essays.

                   Block, positions                                                                Block, positions
                           1 and 2.                                                                       2 and 3.

                            1    2                                                                 2      3

                            1      2                                                               2      3

                                                 Ex Swarbrick.                     Ex Swarbrick.

            These are a few of the plating features.
                    Position 1.                         Position 2.                 Position 3.

                    T to left.                          T slightly to left.         T to left.
                    Dot in top of H.                    Damage to second upright    N in PENCE short with blot.
               O damaged at top left.                   to N in PENCE and to        Top bar of F short.
                                                        P in PENNY at top left.

                                                 Third setting: double overprints.
            The double overprint in the third setting is not mentioned in published accounts of the provisional.

            The double overprints on this page show the closely doubled repetition of the same position on each
            stamp, unlike double overprints in the other settings. One of each strike is slightly fainter than the
            other, suggesting either a kiss-print or that the second, stronger strike was added to reinforce the
            first, faint one.
                                                                                    Overprint double,
                                                                                          position 2.
                Block, positions:

                    2 and 3 double  →

                    2 and 3 normal  →

                                             Holcombe opinion, 1991.
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