Page 34 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 34

Jamaica: Pre-Adhesive Postal Rates

      Ship Letters to the UK
                 Ship Letter at Rate: Ship Letter charge 4d + UK Inland (1799 to 1814)

                                                                                                        At Morant Bay
                                                                                                          29 Mar 1806

                                                                                                           At Cork
                                                                                                       Dated 31 May 1806

                                                                                                          At London

                                                                                                      Rated 1s8d (including
                                                                                                       UK inland fee from
                                                                                                        Cork to Dublin to
                                                                                                       The Irish Ship Letter
                                                                                                     fee remained at 1d until

                At Kingston
            Letter dated 18 Jul 1813
           Feint Ship Letter / Jamaica?

                  At Deal
               Ship Letter / Deal
                 14 Oct 1813

                 At London
              ½d Scottish Toll Tax

               At Edinburgh.
             Receiver ?? Oct 1813

    Re-rated 3s = Double (Ship Letter Rate of 4d
    plus UK inland of 1s2d for 400 to 500 miles)
              plus ½d Scottish tax.

     Per HMS Asia, built 1811, a ship of the
    74th convoy during the Anglo-American
             War of 1812 to 1815.
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