Page 41 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 41

Jamaica: Stamps of Great Britain

      Packet Letters from Post Towns
                                    Boycott of GB Adhesives at Grange Hill

               Some 30 Post Offices boycotted the use of adhesives as the GPO in London had ruled that their commission
                     should be reduced from 15% on letters prepaid in money to 1% for those utilising adhesives.
                                        The boycott seems to have lasted about 6 months,
                       the earliest known cover from Grange Hill bearing adhesives is dated 22 November 1858.

                                                                                                At Grange Hill
                                                                                                   Ms ‘Paid 6’
                                                                                              D1 (P2a) of 7 Jun 1858.
                                                                                          This date-stamp had become very
                                                                                         battered with the year plug jammed at
                                                                                          1855. It was replaced a year later.
                                                                                                  At Kingston
                                                                                              K7a (D9) of 9 Jun 1858
                                                                                             PD5 (PD7) of 9 Jun 1858.

                                                                                                  At London
                                                                                             Paid Receipt of 2 Jul 1858.

              The 6d packet rate from Grange Hill to Kingston and then the packet to London.

                           Savannah La Mar ‘left to be cancelled’ A01 at Kingston
                          Although British Stamps were authorised for use on Packet mail from 8 May 1858,
              and an obliterator was supplied to Kingston, the post towns were only issued with obliterators on 1 March 1859.
                                 Between these dates, letters were cancelled with the post town c.d.s.
                       but the adhesives were supposed to be left to be cancelled with an obliterator at Kingston.

          At Sav La Mar
       P2b (D1) of 9 Dec 1858
      (known used 1840 to 1859)

           At Kingston
       Obliterator A01 Type 1
      K8 (D14) of 11 Dec 1858

           At London
         Receiving mark of
        1 Jan 1859 on reverse

                                     6d, single rate, packet letter from Sav La Mar, via Kingston, & the Derwent Packet to London.
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