Page 74 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 74
Jamaica: Laureated Head of Queen Victoria
Specimens on Watermark Crown CC
Samuel Type D5 (Nicholson Type N5)
Type D5 was handstamped between 1863 and 1872 and figured prominently in the De La Rue collection.
Samuel Type D6 & D7 (Nicholson Type N25 &N26)
Type D6 was handstamped on CC between 1870 & 1872, it is rare and was utilised for the De La Rue collection
Type D7 had a similar history but usage was more extensive.
Samuel Type D11 (Nicholson Type N9)
Type D11 was handstamped and used from 1870 to 1884,
originally utilised for the De La Rue collection, several were later removed for other reference purposes.
Samuel Type MS (Nicholson Type N24)
This Type is only known for these two values, plus the 4d & 6d on CC paper.