Page 248 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 248
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l. The charge. for traristnl.ssion will cover the cost of delivery:-
. (a) If the address· i's within one mile from the Terminal Office or within the limits of the Town Postal delh·ery
of that Office .when a Ilead Post Office.
(b) If the Sender desires it to be forwarded by Post from the Terminal Telegraph Office and shall write the words" By P ost"
at the end of the.~ddress of the person to whom it is to be delivered. ' . ·
2. The are the charge_s ·for the delivery of this Telegram in case the address be not within the above described limits and
the ~ender does not write the words ~ 'By Post" at the end of such address:-
(a) For deliYery by Special Foot Messenger, at a distance less than three miles from the Terminal Telegraph Office, 6d. for
each mile or part of a mile, reckoned from the boundary of the district of free delivery to the address of delivery.
(b) For delivery by mounted 'Messenger, at. a distance more than three miles from the Terminal 'l'e le('rraph Oll:ice, ls. for ea ch
mile or pa.rt of a mile, reckoned from the Terminal Telegraph Ollice to the address of delivery (except i~ some parts of Irel a nd,
where the charge is at the rate of 8d. per mile).
3. If the Sender desires this 1'elegra~ to be forwarded by Train from the Terminal Telegraph Office, he mnst write the words "By Trn in"
r.t the eud of the addre-ss. and must pn.y the actual cost of the conveyance, if such cost be known, or must dep0sit ls.
4. The Sender may prepay 3. reply not exceeding in length 48 words. In such case a F'orm of Pass will be handed to the Acldresse(•.
The Pass will, within two months from its date, frank a,ny Telegram not exceeding in length the number of words stated on such Pass. If
r.he Pass be not used its va.lue will be paid to the Sencler of the original Telegram on his applying, ·within two months, to tbe ;Secretar y,
\) eneral Post Office, J,ondon. The must be produced.
5. A Teleo-ram can be repeated if the Sender desires to adopt this security against the risk of error. The charge for repetition is
one-half the ;barge for transmission, any fraction of ld. less than !d. being reckoned as td. If conraining mercantile quotations or code
words a Telegram ought always to be repeated. . .
6. The Postmaster-General will not be liable for any loss or damage which may be mcurred or snstained by reason or on account of a ny
mistake or default in the transmi ssion or delivery of a 1'elegrnm. ·
7. All applications respecting this Telegram should be ~thin three months from the elate of its transmission, after which pe riod
it will not be kept. and Aµdress (
of Sender. -·