Page 247 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 247

'Rai{way ,Station Postmaris

                       Yictoria Station                          Sing{e ning Cance{

                                              POST  OFFICE  TELEGRAPHS.           ~o. of Telegram
                                             I         (Inland Telegrams.)         For Postage  Stamps.

                                                                                    The  Stamps  must  be  affixed  by  the  Sender,  and  m1ut
                                                                                 not  overlap.  An71  Stamp  for  which  there is not room lu:N
                                                                                 1hould be  affixed  at  the  back  of this  .Form.

     is chargedt-.//L~~~~--1---------1--------1·--------1--------...
      or text.   FROM{ f7~;t:n:: ~<V~ji~ rJ«l-l
            The Name and Address of the Sender, IF NOT TO BE TELEGRAPHED, should be written in the Space provided at the Back of the F~ j

                                    (THIS PAf'ER MANUFAOTUllED AND  PRINTED BY  MDOORQUODALE A  Oo.  LIMIT&i).)

                 Inland Telegram from Lord Carrington, addressed to The Queen at Osborne,
               Isle of Wight, informing Her Majesty that there is a gale in the English Channel
                 and that prospects for tomorrow are poor ..... Cancelled by two strikes of the
                 single ring cancel VICTORIA STATION/L.B &  S.C RL Y dated 1 lth January

                                                 1899 with index C

                                  Known periods of use: 22.2.1892 to 9.2.1929
   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252