Page 337 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 337

'Rai{way Station Postmarks

                      Paddington Station                          Sing[e 'Ring Cance[

               J~ 851631                          THE  SENDER MUST  FILL  IN  THE  PAYEE'S  NAME   J~ 851 631
                                  NOT  NEGOTIABLE  •   BF.r  RE  PARTING  WITH  THE  ORDER.
                                                  o       _o               o  st
                To be detache<l and
                kept by the sender.
                 The Po1tmaoter General doe1
               not  to  consider any
               :.xm~~a~~ ~~:ce:i;.~fct.°'n 0~r~
               been  lost  or  destroyed,  unleSI
               the  counterfoil  1a produced.
               Postal  l /-  Order
                 To  whom  payable:-  1~~1 ·~---- --.;:-:;:;-:---;;--;;--;-:-;;;--,;;-;:==========;;;;--::--Post Office
                                     POUNDAGE  within Three Calendar Months
                                      ONE PENNY   from  the last day of the month   Pastags  ~ Stamps
                                    =~~== of issue.                    not exceeding two'.  in number or 5d.
                                                   Por Regula.tions-see back.   in total value may'.  be!.xed in these
                  At what Office :-                                    spaces,  but not ; elsewhere,  to
                                                  RECEIVED the sum due   me.k.e up & broken '.amount (excluding
                                                                       a.n odd h!Uf-penny)~
               crossed   ___  _
               aenl   ____ _

                      Special commemorative 1/- Postal Order issued to mark the Silver
                       Jubilee of King George Von the gth May 1935. This Postal Order
                         was cancelled on the 22°d May 1935 by the single ring cancel

                         PADDINGTON STATION B.O W.2. This was the day of the
                           reopening of the Post Office on Paddington Station by the

                                  Known periods of use:  22.5.1935 to 6.5.1961
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