Page 338 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 338

.  , -1
               J.  If thitl Order be crossed like a cheque payment will only be made through a Bank.
              2.  Except  when  this  Order  ia  paid  thl'ough  a  Bank  the fa.yeo  MUST  Sl GX  THE
                   RECEIPT on the fo.ce,  and ruust a.Lo fill  in the name o  the Post Office  if that
                   bu not alt'eady been  done.
              8.  If any  ernsure  or  alteration  be  made,  or  if  this  Order  be  cut.,  defaced,  or
                   mutilated, paymen  m::.y  be refused.
              1.  If thia Order be not paid within THREf: cl\lendar months from tho day of the
                   month  ot  i  5ue,  a  oommi11in11 eaual  to  the original Poundage will be charged.
                   In no c1ue  may th iii  Order be paid after the expiratlon of SIX oalcndnr months
                   from  the last day of the month of issue until refe t'ence  has  been  made  to  the
                   '  ontroller. :Money Order Department (Postal Order Branch), l\Ianor Gardens,
                   H olloway, London, N. 7."
              6.  After this Order has once bec:-i.  paid-to  whomsoever  it is  paid-the  Poi:tmastor
                   General ''ill noc  bu  liable  for any further claim  in respect of this Order.

                         THE  SENDER  IS  RECOMMENDED  TO  FILL  IN  ·, .. E
                     WITH  THE  ORDER,  AS  A  PRECAUTION  IN  CASE  THE  ORDER
                     SHOUL.D  BE  LOST  OR  STOLEN.
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