Page 400 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 400

'Raifway Station Postmarks

                       'Effingham ]unction                         Sing{e Ring Cance{

                                                                           S~N  ER.

                           Mysterious cover addressed to Sittingbourne from Kingston-
                          on-Thames with the machine cancel & meter mark dated 25th
                          &  24th October 1954 respectively. The cover was undelivered

                          and has a 1  Yid postage due label for return to sender at bottom
                            left. Strangely, and unexplainably is the single ring cancel
                           EFFINGHAM JUNCTION/LEATHERHEAD SY at bottom

                          right dated 18th April 1963-almost nine years after first being
                                               posted in October 1954

                                   Known periods of use: 30.1.1937 to 9.9.1989
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