Page 505 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 505
'Rai{way Station Postmar&
Cast(e "Eden Station 11ndated Douh(e J!lrc and
:Numera( Cance(
Cover addressed to Shipston-on-Stour, but missent to Stockton-
on-Tees with the ld stamp being tied by the 1844 type numeral
cancel 73 7. On the back flap is the black inked undated double
arc cancel CASTLE EDEN STATION struck on the 3rct of
October 1857
Known periods of use: Undated Arc 20.6.1850 to 3.10.1857
Numeral 12.11.1844 to 25.9.1859