Page 38 - Chinese International Airmail to 1949
P. 38
1.5 Russian Services to Europe
In 1921 the airline Deruluft was established to fly an air mail service between Germany and Moscow. This was
used to accelerate mail from China after it had been carried on the Trans‑Siberian Railway. From May 1931, Eurasia
flew the Chinese portion of this early route, and the Russian airline Всесоюзное объединение гражданского
воздушного флота (All‑Union Association of the Civil Aviation Fleet) flew the section from Irkutsk to Moscow.
Map showing the
route of the early
China ‑ Russia ‑
Germany services.
17 Oct 1927 ‑ Moukden to Wiesbaden, Germany. Early Chinese international mail using air acceleration in Europe. Backstamped at
Harbin (17 Oct) and Wiesbaden (30 Oct). Single rate letter $0.10 (surface) + $0.10 (registration) + $0.30 (air in Europe) = $0.50.