Page 43 - PB_EngravingBook_1862-1868_136027
P. 43
Page 43
6 Jul 1863 to 17 Jul 1863
Railway Carriage Company Worcester
N.S. Wales Dunedin (New South Wales)
Bank of Australasia £20 Sydney
N.S. Wales Melbourne Royal Bank Scotland (New South
Northern Banking Cy £5 Note Ballybofey
Aberdeen £1 Note
Bucks & Oxon Hemel Hempstead
Bank of Australasia £5 Maitland Newcastle
Bank of Australasia £5 Adelaide
Bank of Australasia £1 Launceston
Provincial Ireland Carrick-on-Suir, Athlone, Monagher, Kilkenny
Bank of Australasia £50 Sydney
Bank of Australasia £10 Ballaarat
Birmingham Banking Co Dudley
Lincoln & Lindsey
Lincoln & Lindsey Lincoln
N. Zealand Bond, U.B. Australia (New Zealand)
Rowland’s Kalydor Label to Half pints 4s. 6d.
Lincoln & Lindsey Lincoln
Bank of Australasia £5 Launceston
Northern Banking Co £10 Ballybofey
Provincial Ireland Bank Barclay & Co
Northern Banking Co £20 Ballybofey
Bank of Australasia Union Bank of Manchester