Page 45 - PB_EngravingBook_1862-1868_136027
P. 45

Page 45
                                                                                                 28 Jul 1863 to 5 Aug 1863

                                                                                                 Commercial Bank of Scotland £1
                                                                                                 B of B.N.A. Birmingham  (Bank of British North America)
                                                                                                 Bank of Scotland
                                                                                                 N.S.Wales Melbourne Stuckings Bank Co  (New South Wales)
                                                                                                 N.S.Wales Dunedin Melbourne (New South Wales)
                                                                                                 Union Scotland Glasgow
                                                                                                 Bank of Australasia £10 Dunedin
                                                                                                 Rowland’s Kalydor Wrapper
                                                                                                 Card Mr Roempke
                                                                                                 Note Heading Mr Roempke
                                                                                                 Bank of Australasia £10 Maitland
                                                                                                 Le Neveu, Sorel & Co.
                                                                                                 Commercial Bank of Scotland £1 Note
                                                                                                 B of B.N.A  London (C.W.) branch (Bank of British North
                                                                                                 Bank of B.N.A Hamilton Branch (Bank of British North America)
                                                                                                 Bank of B.N.A London (C.W.) Branch (Bank of British North
                                                                                                 Bank of Scotland £1
                                                                                                 Provincial Ireland Galway
                                                                                                 Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London & China
                                                                                                 Card plate Mr. Woodley
                                                                                                 Card plate Charles E, Malden
                                                                                                 Bank of Australasia £10 Hobart Town
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