Page 49 - PB_EngravingBook_1862-1868_136027
P. 49

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                                                                                                 15 Sep 1863 to 29 Sep 1863

                                                                                                 Goodall to Card Wrapper No. 6
                                                                                                 Boston Bill
                                                                                                 Card Mr Bolden, Beauville
                                                                                                 West of England £5 Exmouth
                                                                                                 Boston Bank £10
                                                                                                 New South Wales
                                                                                                 Label 54 on plate W.Evans & Co Derby
                                                                                                 The Union Bank of Scotland £1
                                                                                                 Boston Bank £20 to £10 Gee & Co
                                                                                                 Oriental Bank Corporation £1 Sydney
                                                                                                 N.S.Wales (New South Wales)
                                                                                                 English & Jersey Union Bank
                                                                                                 Old Bank Banbury
                                                                                                 Union Scotland Alloa, Stranraer & Moffat
                                                                                                 Union Scotland 2 Trongate
                                                                                                 Lancaster & Carlisle Ry Co. £5 Coupon
                                                                                                 B of N.S.Wales (Bank of New South Wales)
                                                                                                 Bank of Madras Madras
                                                                                                 Bank of Liverpool
                                                                                                 Bank of Liverpool Heywood, Bros & Co
                                                                                                 Jersey Joint Stock Bank.
                                                                                                 Bradford Banking Co. Jones Loyd & Co
                                                                                                 Union Scotland
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