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The London Philatelist

                                 The Royal Philatelic Society London.

                 (A company limited by Guarantee – Company number 92352 and Registered Charity number 286480)

               Notice of Annual General Meeting.
               Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held at the Society’s
               premises, 15 Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BW, on Wednesday, 16 September 2020 at 3pm BST,
               for the transaction of the following business.
                  1.   Apologies for Absence.
                  2.   The Honorary Secretary will present a report.
                  3.   The Honorary Treasurer’s report.
                  4.   The report of the Auditor on the accounts of the Society will be read.
                  5.   To receive, and if thought fit, to adopt the accounts of the Society for the year ending
                      31 December 2019.
                  6.   Reports from chairmen of the committees will be presented.
                  7.  Elections:
                      The following nominations have been received.
                      - Vice-President: Peter Cockburn.
                      Proposed by Richard Stock, seconded by Jon Aitchison.
                      - Vice-President: Mike J Y Roberts.
                      Proposed by Richard Stock, seconded by Simon Richards.
                      - Hon. Secretary: Jon Aitchison.
                      Proposed by Richard Stock, seconded by Peter Cockburn.
                      - Hon. Treasurer: Simon Richards.
                      Proposed by Peter Cockburn, seconded by Mike J. Y. Roberts.
                      Nominations for Council.
                      David Alford. Proposed by Michael Eliott. Seconded by Steve Harrison.
                      Mark Bailey. Proposed by Patrick Maselis. Seconded by Frank Walton.
                      Richard Berry. Proposed by Michael Elliott. Seconded by Mark Bailey.
                      John Davies. Proposed by David Alford. Seconded by Mark Bailey.
                      Steven Harrison. Proposed by Richard Stock. Seconded by Christopher Hitchen.
                      Christopher Hitchen. Proposed by Peter Cockburn. Seconded by Chris King.
                      Colin Hoffman. Proposed by Richard Stock. Seconded by John Davies.
                      Christopher King. Proposed by Richard Stock. Seconded by David Alford.
                      Kim Stuckey. Proposed by Richard Stock. Seconded by Mike J Y Roberts.
                      Jack Zhang. Proposed by Richard Stock. Seconded by Peter Cockburn.
                      There being no other nominations, under article 40 the above mentioned are deemed to be
                  8.   To appoint an Auditor in accordance with the Companies Act 2006.
                  9.   Any other business of which notice has been given.
                                                          15 Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BW.
                                                          Jon Aitchison.
                                                          Honorary Secretary.
                                                          18 July 2020.

                  1.   Reports by Chairmen of committees will be available on the Society website from
                      9 September 2020 and will be published in the October edition of The London Philatelist.
                  2.   After the Annual General Meeting time will be available for a question and answer session.

               September 2020                                                                 129 – 363
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