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The London Philatelist

               Forthcoming Philatelic Events:

               1-3 October 2020 : Virtual STAMPEX and Tomorrow’s Royal Grand Charity Auction.
               The PTS has invited the Society to be an Official Partner and to take a stand at the Virtual STAMPEX,
               which will replace the normal show at the Design Centre in Islington.
                  The Royal is proud to be part of this innovative and exciting venture, which will truly make Stampex
               International in every sense. The show will be open for 24 hours a day for three days, with direct links
               to landing pages on our website, after which the virtual stands will be open for a further 27 days.
                  The Royal will contribute three one-hour sessions of philatelic presentations and an opportunity to
               advertise our publications and facilities. The Expert Committee will make a presentation, which it is
               hoped will be interactive.
                  There will also be a chat line connecting to real people. Volunteers from across the world are needed
               to occupy the chat room seats, so that this service can hopefully function on a 24-hour basis. If you are
               able to assist by being available electronically for two hours during the 72 hours of the show, please
               contact Chris King at who is coordinating the volunteer team. Please head your
               email subject ‘VIRTUALSTAMPEX.’
                  Volunteers will be sent full details, covering frequently asked questions and answers, information
               about buying RPSL books and other publications, expertisation, membership information etc.
                  A feature of the Royal’s participation in Virtual Stampex will be the Tomorrow’s Royal Grand Charity
               Auction on 9 October 2020 at 3.00pm. At this point, it is not possible to confirm whether or not it
               will be possible to have room bidders. It is expected that the Auctioneer will be present at 15
               Abchurch Lane and will have a Zoom screen to accommodate online bidders, each of whom will
               need to register beforehand (numbers may be limited).
                  Bids will be accepted by email and ‘snail mail,’ as is standard for any postal auction. Lots will be
               sent out by mail or courier after payment, although large lots may be retained for collection by

               FIP Postal History Commission online seminars.
               The FIP Postal History Commission is organising a series of on-line seminars on aspects of
               exhibiting between August and October 2020:
                  16 August            Rarity and Condition.              Henrik Mouritsen     Start time A
                    6 September       Presentation.                             Chris King RDP Hon. FRPSL  Start time A
                  20 September       Treatment.                                 Dan Walker RDP FRPSL   Start time B
                    4 October            Importance.                               Henrik Mouritsen     Start time A
                  18 October          Knowledge and Research.       Andrew Cheung FRPSL      Start time A
                  Start Time A:  8pm Singapore; 8am New York; 1pm London; 2pm Berlin; 9pm Hong Kong.
                  Start Time B: 10pm Singapore; 10am New York; 3pm London; 4pm Berlin; 11pm Hong Kong.
                  To register for any of the seminars, please email Andrew Cheung (Secretary of the FIP Postal
               History Commission) at
               12-15 August 2021: Great American Stamp Show, Chicago. Invitation to participate.
               The response to my note in the March issue of this journal (No. 1473, p78) has been staggeringly
               underwhelming. Let us blame Covid-19! The Society has been invited to show 50 frames of material at
               this show, which is in effect the intermediate show in the US between New York 2016 and BOSTON 2026.
                  There are no frame fees. Material will be treated as with an FIP exhibition in terms of collection,
               charged carriage, display and return, but will not be competitive. For those members who have great
               material but do not like to have it judged competitively, this is your show! Please respond to me at
                                                                                 Peter Cockburn FRPSL

               September 2020                                                                 129 – 365
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