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The London Philatelist
Book Review.
Compiled by Dr D Gwynne Harries FRPSL
The Pneumatic Post of Paris 1870-1965: An Aid to the Collector.
Simon Peter Iredale, 2018.
S. P. Iredale. ISBN 9781983319822
Softback, 148p, col. ills., 23cm.
ID Number: 22196
Reviewed by Dr D Gwynne Harries FRPSL.
formats. I purchased a copy and in so doing I
made my charitable donation to the Royal.
The book certainly is a new and up to date
reference, which gathers together all the
currently available information regarding the
Pneumatic Postal History of Paris. Reference
is made to the two existing standard works,
both of which are updated through information
evidenced in the author’s own collection and
through his current research. Much of this
information has been often difficult to obtain
and I for one, am delighted that so much spade
work has been undertaken. The book is
wonderfully illustrated, with more than 100
full colour images, all of which are accompanied
by a succinct in-depth commentary.
Such commentary has been of particular
help to me, as it has allowed me to understand
the chronology of the various official and
I write this review in strange times. unofficial cards, letter cards and envelopes as
Like many philatelists, I now have the rare they were issued. Dr Iredale illustrates many
opportunity to really get on top of my of these postal items from his own collection,
collection and this I have very nearly started! which again has helped me considerably as a
In so doing, I have come across my old ‘to ‘new’ collector, in that I can see direct examples
do’ collection of Parisian Pneumatic Posts. of the textual narrative and make comparison
My challenge is that I have not held onto all with my own items.
the information in my head that I had once Whilst this book is clearly one that can
garnered with the arrogance of a lost youth, assist the specialist collector in this aspect of
suggesting that I did not need to ever actually philately, it also may well be of interest to the
write it down! more general collector or student of history or
Happily, through consultation with engineering. These posts are a memory of my
‘Professor Google,’ I discovered Dr. Iredale’s lifetime and this book brings them back to life
recent publication on the internet in various both as an experience and as a collector.
129 – 370 September 2020