Page 29 - Ian Marshall - London Coffe Houses - Standing Display January 2016
P. 29

British Coffee House


                                          C!,an na'n Gael ann Gualibk a Chei'le.

                                                                             BRITISH COFFEE HOUSE,
                                                                                             Nov. 27, 1828.

                                                 I BEG to inform you, that his Excellency

                                  MAJOR GENERAL DAVID STEWART,ofGarth,
                                  Governor of St. Lucia, will honour the Club of True
                                 Highlanders with a Visit .on TUESDAY next, Dec. 2,
                                  when it is earnestly requested that Members and Visitors
                                  will appear, on this interesting Occasion, in the full
                                  National Costume of the Gael, and will meet here in the
                                  Hall of the Society, at Half-past Eight o'Clock.

                                                 The Chief will take the Chair precisely at

                                      I any Srn,
                   !'-Yu'fL:~~· Zj Your most obedient Servant,

                                                           HENRY JAMES MITCHELL,

                                                                                       Hon. Sec.


A printed invitation sent out on 27th November 1828 to the members of
the True Highlanders Club to attend a clan gathering at the British Coffee
House scheduled to take place on 2°d December. The guest of Honour was
to be Major General David Stewart of Garth, currently Governor of St.
Lucia. Members were requested to appear "in the full National Costume
of the Gael".
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