Page 114 - The Appollo Story
P. 114

The Apollo Story 1-----------...

           Apollo 17 (AS-512) The Last Man On The Moon
           The splashdown and recovery of the Apollo  1 7 crew marked the end of the Apollo flight program. The
           mission plan was  for  the  spacecraft  to  land  in the  Moon's  Taurus-Littrow region  near the  rim  of the
           Serenitatis Basin, which seemed to  have all the elements geologists would want to explore in this final
           mission. Cinder cones and steep-walled valleys with large boulders at their base presented the possibility
           of sampling both young volcanic rock from depth and older mountainous wall material at the same loca-
           tion. Thus, the setting for the Apollo 17 landing was a unique place in which to carry out many investiga-
           tions and to return lunar materials that could aid in answering many fundamental questions.

            A set of five stamps from the Republica Centrafricaine all by different artists. The 1 OOF stamp proof is
            signed by Jumelet and depicts the LM blasting of from the Moon - a set of three proofs in black, green
            and above mauve. The two stamps below and the two proofs on the next page make up the set.
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