Page 34 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 34

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                                                                                                 bip Le  er from
                                //~                                                                    and to Bermuda.

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                                                                                                        bip Letter.  t


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            Cape of Go-od Hope

                  l  6- 1

            INDIA  LETTER
               LO  DON

                                                             Cape Town, U  D<:tober, 1835-6  ays
       Missionary: "warfare harrowing"
          bless a "harvest of glory"   npaid  hip Letter, rate l/5Yi:  1/1  to Edinburgh and  d  hip Letter fee. 4d and 1/1 script
                                      marked off to total, 1/5 rating at right.  10 December London,  1  Decemher arrivai.
                                      Mail from the Cape and East Indies marked, "Ind;a Letter' for special  rate sea postage 4<l to  oz.
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