Page 81 - SD2018-10_Kathryn_Johnson_Overseas_Mail_to_from_Scotland
P. 81

West lndies                                                                 Trinidad and Jamaica

          Shortages of food drave the establishment of plantations in the West lndies.  Scots who migrated to the West lndies
          farmed and held dose ties to  Scotland. ln the West lndies they esta  ished the trade of crops to Europe, the US and
          Latin America.

                         6d rrnpaid
                  npaid Pa  'et Letter
                    rated manuscrip  6
            Trinidad  25 September on
                 Corn ay via Grena
            Carriacou & St   in  err
            27 September, Barb
         September, St. Thomas.  Tuen
         on Magdalena to Southampton
              and London 1  0  ober
         Edinbum  18 October recei

                                                               Tri:rûdad,  è5 5ept.ernh6r, 1857-23  -

                Reverse at 75%

                                                           ύ   0 rp:; F

                       1/- paid

          Paid Packet Letter from
               Dundee, Scotland
             17 October, London
           Royal Mail packet via
           St. Thomas to Jamaica
               4 November, Port

                                                        To Port Maria, Jamaica, 16 October, 1866 -19 days
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86