Page 112 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 112

The  marks  'COMMUNICATION'  and  'SUSPENDED'  were,  according  to  Bill Hart  
when  writing  in  the  Anglo-Boer  War  Philatelist,  applied  separately  and  this  is  
borne  out  by the  different  relationship  that  one  has  to  the  other  on  different  
Bill hart  reports  two covers,  one  marked  'UNDELIVERABLE AT WINBURG'  with  a  
Winburg  cds for  21st May  1902  [this  cover] and  one  with  two VRI  Yzd  
adhesives  posted  at Kroonstadt  addressed  to  Kaalfontein  PO  Lindley.  The  cds  
of the  RLO  at Bloemfontein  for  26th March  1902  appears  on  the  back.  

---- Bill Hart  raised  the  query  as to why the  COMMUNICATION  SUSPENDED  marks  
were  applied  as late  as 21st  May  1902  [when  the  Treaty  ofVereeniging  was  
made  on  the  31st May  1902.  

This  cover was  posted  at  East  London  on  the  20th  April1901  and  is addressed  
to  Reitfontein  PO  Senekal  in  the  Orange  River  Colony.  The  marks  in order  
after  that  are:  
Bloemfontein  2Yd April  1901  
Bloemfontein  15th  June  1901  
Bloemfontein  RLO  26th March  1902  
Returned  L.O.  Cape  Town  15th  May  1902  [in violet]  
Cape  Town  17th  May  1902  
Bloemfontein  19th  May  1902  
Winburg  21st May  1902  

The  colour  of the  COMMUNICATION  SUSPENDED  marks  appears  to be  
like the  violet  in  the  censor's  initials  'H.P'  rather  than  the  violet  of the  RLO  
cds of Bloemfontein.  

Senekal  had  Winburg  as its head  office and  is midway  between  Bethlehem  
and  Winburg.  Reitfontein  never  had  a post  office.  
Bill Hart  was right  to  ask his  question  about  this  cover. 
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