Page 110 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 110

The  dates  on  this  cover  range  from  Jar1uary  1901  to  Aprill912.  

The  sequence  is:  

Posted  i11.  Germany  January  1901  
Kimberley  redirection  to  PO  Roos  Senekal  July  1901  
Censored  in  Kitnberley  
Pretoria  16th  July  1901  
Magnadodorp  22nd  July  [?  190 1] [110t  i11  Putzel]  
Middlebtlrg  [Transvaal]  30th · Novem . ber  1902  
Roossenekal5th  December  1902  
Roossenel<al  18th  April  1903  
Unidentified  27th  April  1903  
Unidentified  19th  November '-1902  
Pokwani 1st  Aprill912  
Johannesburg  unclear  

N  othi11g  after  the  treaty  of  Vereeniging  on  the  31 s t tnay  1902  concens  the  
suspension  of  mail  services.  

Se· nelcal is about1120  tniles  n. orth . ..  east  of  Bloemfontein.  

The  likelihood  is tl1at  tl1is letter  was  intended  to  go  to  Sen . el<al via  Pretoria  but  
because  of Boer  guerilla  activities  in  the  region  of  S. enel<al  tl1ere  was  no  service  
from  Pretoria+  The  letter  was  endorsed  in  one  type  of  hand  and  red  ink  at  
Kimberley  'PO  Pretoria'  and . in  another  hand  and  red  ink  at  Pretoria  'No  .  .  '  communication  .  

To  add  to  tl1e co11.fusio11.  tl1e  item  was  sent  fr· om  Germa11y  at  tl1e pri11ted  
papers  rate  and  redirected  at  th.e letter  rate  in  Kim . berley  after  which  there  was  
no  further  cl1arge  for  the wat1.der~.11gs  <)f this  lettterl 
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