Page 108 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 108

Vryheid  to  which  place  this  letter  was  addressed  was  occupied  by British  
forces  in September  1900.  

Johannesburg,  where  this  letter  was posted  in  Field  Post  Office  17 British  
Army  South  Africa,  was  entered  by British  forces  on  the  31st May  1900.  
Transvaal  was  annexed  formally  by Great  Britain  on  the  1st  September  1900.  

Vryheid  is to  the  south-east  of Johannesburg  in what  was  Zululand  now  
Kwa/Zulu  Natal.  

Guerilla  tactics  by  the  Boers  after  the  annexation  ofT  ransvaal  disrupted  
British  communications  and  this  registered  letter  is an  example  of mail  being  

The  marks  are:  

Double  ring  Field  Post  office  Code  17 British  Army  South  Africa  October  23  
Transvaal  type  cds Johannesburg  [probably  23] October  1900  
Aberdeen  Natal  November  1 1900  
RLO  Natal6  November  1900  

'Service  Suspended'  and  'Contents  checked  etc  Nov  5'  in  manuscript  

'R'  with  'ZAR'  in  oval  

Pink  censor  resealing  labels  have  been  used  on  a converted  envelope  'In  
Dienst'  to  'OHMS'  

Aberdeen  is well  to  the  south-west  of Johannesburg  and  was  probably  sent  
that  way to  avoid  Boer  activity. 
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