Page 6 - Johnson_CapeOfGoodHope
P. 6


1 shilling  green  
January  1864  

Orange  Free  State  to  the  United  Kingdom  

July  1865  

Main  feature  

Posting  in  the  Orange  Free  State  and  transit  to  Cape  Town  to  catch  
the  packet  to  the  United  Kingdom.  The  OFS  origin  is  denoted  by the  
manuscript  'Is'  in  green  black  as  evidence  of the  payment  of the  
internal  OFS  postage  [two rates  of 6d].  This  is  matched  by  the  double  
packet  rate  of 2s  Od. These  covers  are  rare  and  this  cover  is  the  only  
recorded  double  rate  cover.  

The full story or the Farie correspondence  [of which this is  part] is told in the London Philatelist  for  
Aprill999  at page 91- The Farie  Correspondence  Some early covers from the Orange  Free State.  
This cover is recorded as number  11 in the table on page  96. The reason for the pen cancellation  is not  
known. It travelled  to the United Kingdom  on the Cambrian.  
This cover and the other two in this collection are three out of the eigi.t known covers with Cape  
Colony rectangular  stamps of this period and treated in this way 
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11