Page 71 - Fenning_Scoland
P. 71
1696 - Dublin to Edinburgh 11d Sterling Rate
28Th August 1696. Unpaid letter from Dublin to Edinburgh via London,
rated 11d. Routed via Holyhead and the Chester Road to London and the
North Road to Scotland, probably taking 26 days in transit.
6d Sterling Dublin to London per Act of the English Parliament (1660)
3d Sterling London to Berwick per Act of the English Parliament (1660)
2d (2s Scots) Be!Wick to Edinburgh per Act of the Scottish Parliament (1695)
Manuscript charge marks:
'6' - the Dublin to London chatge of &I unpaid w-as applied at Dublin.
'In all 9' - this 9d unpaid charge was applied at London, adding the 3d unpaid rate
from London to Berwick to the 6d rate already applied in Dublin.
'11d' - on the reverse was applied at Edinburgh, adding the 2d rate (2s Scots) for
Berwick to Edinburgh to the 9d rate applied for Dublin to Berwick via London.
17th Century letters between Ireland and Scotland are not seen frequently.