Page 181 - Sierra Leone to 1961 - The Collection
P. 181

The George V Large Format Issues 1912 to 1931

1912 - 1929		 Ten Shillings Red and Green on Green Paper
There were only four printings of ten shillings stamps, two on each watermarked paper. As with the
majority of values of this design, the principal intended use was fiscal rather than postal.

                           Duty plate die proof

  Specimen Type D16		                            Multiple Script CA Watermark
(ex De La Rue Archives)		                          Plate 1, Sheet Number 111

The two printings on Multiple Script CA watermarked paper were of 125 sheets on 22 July 1926 and 105
sheets on 26 August 1929. Although the practice of numbering sheets sometimes included part sheets, it is
likely that the example numbered ‘111’ is from the 1926 printing.
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