Page 39 - Sierra Leone to 1961 - The Collection
P. 39

The First Victorian Keyplate 1872 to 1896

1875	  New Halfpenny Value.

On 16 September 1872, an inland newspaper service was introduced that cost ½d per paper. Unfortunately,
no stamps were available to prepay this rate.

The situation was rectified in 1875 when a new HALF PENNY duty die was ordered. The following three
items are from the De La Rue archive, which held the proofs and trials associated with this issue.


		                           Proof of HALF PENNY
		                                   master die


	 Type D4		                                       Type D6

			                                               (RPSL Certificate)

Fewer than ten copies of the CC watermarked ½d brown stamps are known with an inverted watermark.

		     Crown CC Watermark		                       Inverted Crown CC Watermark
                                                        Only recorded block
		     Block clearly showing line perforation		           (RPSL Certificate)
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