Page 189 - Collection
P. 189

Scouting Around the World                               Great Britain

An indaba is an important conference held by the izinDuna (principal men) of the Zulu and Xhosa
peopl es of South Africa. The term comes from a Zulu language word, meaning " business" or " matter''.

The World Scout lndaba was a gathering of Scout Leaders from around the world, a sort of World
Jamboree for Scouters. The suggestion for the title came from Lord Rowallan after one of hi s African tours.
Three such events were held : in 1952 at Gilwell Park, U.K., in 1957 at Sutton Co ldfield, U.K. (comb ined
with the 9th World Scout Jamboree and 6th World Rover Moot), and in 1960 at Ommen, the Netherlands.

Above: Boy Scout Association promotiona l meter slogan. Below: Postcard from the 1952 World lndaba.

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