Page 194 - Collection
P. 194

Scouting Around the World  Great Britain

                                                     Girl Guide World Camp
                                           Windsor Great Park, Berkshire, England

                                                     26 July - 8 August, 1957
Centenary of the Founder's Birth - at the I5th World Confere nce of WAGGGS it was dec ided to mark
the centenary of the birth of Lord Baden-Powel l by holdin g a World Camp with four locati ons -
Doe Lake, Ontari o, Canada; Quezon C ity, Phi li ppines; Goms Va ll ey, Switzerl and ; a nd Wi ndsor Great
Park, Berks hire, England. 4,000 Girl Guides from 70 co untries attended at Wi nd sor, just west of Londo n.

Windsor Castl e viewcard to Lancashire, postm arked "WINDSO R BERK S. 29 JLY 57".
                    Labe l "1857 B.P. 1957 WORLD CAMP WINDSOR".

Windsor Castle viewcard to G lasgow, Scotland, postmarked "WINDSOR BERKS. 6 AUG 57''.
                         Labe l "1857 B.P. 1957 WORLD CAMP WINDSOR".
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