Page 197 - Collection
P. 197

World Scout Jamboree                                                                            1957

                                            ~WORLD•     =.,, -JT -
                                            1-12 AUG    =I 7 -

                                            JOBIT:fE \   .l

                                            SUITON CCc;Jf :f, · .... '

           Mess rs . A. & B. Moss , L7mited ,

                      9 Rathbone Place,

                         Oxford t:>treet ,

                         LOI\1DON , V. 1 .

                         BIRMINGHAM A

           Triangular dies were part ofthe eq11ipment s11pplied with the cancelling machines.
           and were 11sed instead of the dated dies for cancelling certain types of bulk mail.
           The number in the triangle is the post office n11mber. Number 75 is Birming ham.

' 1£. {)l

           BIRMINGHAM E                     BIRMINGHAM G
   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202