Page 247 - Collection
P. 247

Scouting Around the World                                      Nonvay

In July 1935 , the YWCA Girl Guides      K. F. U. K. Speldernes landsleir
of Norway held their nat ional camp
near Honefo ss, Ri ngerike, some 80 km                    Rssholmen, Ask st.
northwest of Oslo. The camp site was
at Rosholmen, close to the shores of     -~
lake Tyrifjorden and with a long                       Navn :
bathing beach . 2, 127 Girl Guides
participated, inc lu ding 150 fo reign   Tropp:
guests. King Haakon and Queen Maud
visited the camp. The camp post offi ce                                       1
did not have a special postmark.

11- 7' J I                                                     Above: Luggage address
                                                               tag, with pre-pri nted address
                                                               " K.F.U.K. Speidernes lands-
                                                               leir, Ros hohpen, Ask st.".

                                                               Left: Picture postcard from
                                                               the camp, written by Girl
                                                               Guide in camp, postmarked
                                                               " H0NEFOSS 11 VII 35"
                                                               and sent to Mosjoen.

                                                               Below: Postcard showi ng
                                                               aeri al photo of the camp.
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