Page 243 - Collection
P. 243

Scouting Around the World                                                         Norway

1933 saw Norwegian G irl Guide Assoc iati on' s fo urth national camp whi ch was held at Faberg near
Lill ehamm er. The camp site was on the Army' s Jerstadmoen camp area. Thi s was the first real tent
ca mp fo r G irl G uides in Norway, and the Troops orga ni sed cook in g of th eir own food. I, I00 G irl
G uides partic ipated, in cludin g guests from severa l countri es. Thi s was the first G irl G uide camp in
Norway where a spec ia l postmark (N-004) was used 3-1 1 July by the temporary ru ra l post offi ce.

Engraver' s trial imprints of th e postmark. The shape of the year "33" in the
adju sta bl e date is diffe re nt in the two postmarks. Poss ibly the postmark engrav ing
was compl eted o n I June (left postmark), and tested with " 33" which fo r unknown

reasons was not approved or used. T hen anoth er set of date types "33" were
empl oyed on I0 Jun e (ri ght postmark) . The types in th e right postmark seem identi cal
to the types th at were actually used. Both trial imprints are believed to be unique.

                           11 7 33 - last day of camp.

                           c-'                          I.. . . . .....•... t .

                             ..~.~ ...

Fo ll ebu viewca rd , wri tte n by G irl G uide in camp a nd se nt to Grim stad.
Postmarked (N-004) "N.S.P.F.~ LAN DSLEIR FA BERG 1933 - I 7 33 " .
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